Morgan Stanley: You're Invited
Morgan Stanley’s STEP
By Kimberly Rosa
I was working on a problem set when my phone buzzed, letting me know I had a new email. Thinking it was just another message from the many groups on campus, I casually ignored it waiting until I was done with my assignment before opening it.
“Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in Morgan Stanley’s Sales & Trading Enrichment Program (STEP).”
Morgan Stanley? I couldn’t believe it. I forgot I had even applied to the program. I had to reread the message several times to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. Within 15 minutes, I had RSVP’ed and submitted an updated version of my resume. I was heading to New York next Friday!
Morgan Stanley’s STEP was a great event in that it gave me an overview of what to expect during the recruiting process. We started our morning by covering the different industries available within the bank and how they work with one another to ensure the success of the firm. We then participated in an activity that gave us insight into the uncertainty of the markets and how to respond accordingly. After our lunch break, we worked on developing a business pitch to present to the group and concluded the program with a networking reception.
Walking out of the Morgan Stanley office that evening, I felt exhausted, but very satisfied with all that I had learned within a day. While my liberal arts background did make me feel unprepared at times – most students at the conference were business majors – it also made me stand out since I was knowledgeable in topics the other students had never even thought about studying. That being said, the conference served as a friendly reminder of all the work and effort that I need to continue if I hope to gain a summer internship with a firm like Morgan Stanley.
With the help of Redefine Her Street and the confident women who have gone through the process before me, I feel confident taking on the challenge.
(Photo taken from Telegraph)